All Tags: Blog (39), Learning (23), Development (21), Rant (7), Career (4), Mobile (3), Dart (2), Flutter (2), Ideas (2), Life (2), OSX (2), Algorithm (1), Carerr (1), Data Structures (1), Finance (1), GatsbyJS (1), Git (1), Gitlab (1), Golang (1), Job (1), Netlify (1), Personal (1), Self-Improvement (1), Vaccination (1)
A pretty bad ride
From my last post in February 2024, the company has been going on a rocky start. For 2 whole…
July 23rd 2024Career
Thinking about the future
What AI is changing the landscape What worries me is for the past 18 months, news of tech layoffs…
February 19th 2024Career, Development
New year, a new start
My stats from Gitlab Because I work mainly on a privately hosted repository, I don't have the luxury…
January 4th 2024Career, Development
Jobs and transitioning roles
It's now the start of the first week of structural changes in my company. Many people left and moved…
August 7th 2023Career, Development
Diverging paths as a software engineer
In today's ever-evolving tech landscape, software engineers are often seen as the backbone of the…
June 23rd 2023Carerr, Development
Understanding CI Pipelines
GitLab CI (Continuous Integration) is a powerful tool that enables developers to automate and…
June 15th 2023Gitlab, Development
Machine setup update 2022 thru 2023 edition
I realised that I didn't update my setup for record for the past 2 years, over the course of my work…
May 25th 2023OSX, Development
Milestones and Goodbyes
Milestones Achieved It's 2023 and as of this post I'm on my 49th week in the company. Reflecting…
February 21st 2023Blog, Learning, Life
Wannabe Mobile App Developer
Mobile App Developer After 12 weeks of late nights and burnt weekends, I've finally (more or less…
November 26th 2022Blog, Learning, Mobile, Dart, Flutter
Learning Mobile Development
Native or Cross-Platform? The most common question asked when I was doing research on building a…
October 27th 2022Blog, Learning, Mobile, Dart, Flutter
Let's talk salary and jobs
Is this still an employees market? With all the recent news about retrenchments and staff getting…
September 22nd 2022Blog, Finance
Staying on course
Focussing Lately there's been a ton of distractions which made me veer off course. First was…
August 29th 2022Blog, Learning
Having Good Habits
What makes a good developer? This question always comes up on my feed. Together with "X Habits of…
July 3rd 2022Blog, Learning
From Apprentice to Journeyman
Apprentice? Having started my software engineering journey about 48 months ago, I had only had…
June 21st 2022Blog, Learning
Understanding workflows
This week marks the 6th week, in this new company. Whilst it's been a blast, with so many learning…
April 26th 2022Blog, Learning, Git
Taking a short break to prevent burnout
It's been a month since I've last updated, after going through multiple interviews it felt really…
April 9th 2022Blog, Learning, Ideas
Takeaways from Interviewing.
Last week, it marked the end of my journey finding the direction I want to move towards. Some…
February 16th 2022Blog, Learning, Ideas
Looking for a new home. And learning about Mobile Development.
2022 being a new chapter of my learning, I've started to learn more about other aspects of…
January 13th 2022Blog, Learning, Mobile
The Thirst for Knowledge?
Over the week, I caught up with my former company mentor for some advice. It made me realise, after…
December 23rd 2021Blog, Self-Improvement
Things I've learnt in a year
It's nearly the end of the year, I was making a list of things that I've achieved a year ago. The…
December 5th 2021Blog, Rant
A Year of Milestones
It's finally been 1 year since I've left the government sector. And it's been a roller coaster ride…
November 1st 2021Blog, Rant
Passion or Purpose?
Very often during interview's I've been asked the same few questions. Talk about yourself, and more…
October 14th 2021Blog, Rant
State of Software Engineering
It's been 3 years since i've started development work, since the start from working in the…
September 22nd 2021Blog, Job
Revisiting Data Structures
Since I had alittle bit of time, I've started to revisit my understanding of data structures after a…
September 16th 2021Blog, Data Structures
Algorithm Practice
The past week, I've been slowly getting back up to speed by attempting hackerrank algorithm…
August 26th 2021Blog, Algorithm
Automating OAuth2.0 Postman
Since the start of my new role, I've toying with the idea of how I could automate the process of…
August 24th 2021Blog, Development
New Paycheck
I've got my first paycheck this month from my new job at Bitsmedia ! This first month has been…
July 28th 2021Blog, Vaccination, Development
Over the past month, it's been a really busy period for me. I had to put on hold my side projects to…
July 2nd 2021Blog
Gloomy days ahead.
Its been a good journey so far experiencing actual development work, albeit i still have many things…
June 2nd 2021Blog
Random Thoughts
Just a monthly update, I don't think writing is a hassle but if there's nothing to write about its…
May 22nd 2021Blog, Development
Understanding React Hooks
A milestone achievement, 100 days into the job and loving every minute of it. Over the past 2 weeks…
April 21st 2021Blog, Development
Third month into the job
3 months! Time passed so fast, focusing on each sprint go by week by week. Working on each ticket…
April 10th 2021Blog, Development
Projects and Interviews
It feels so good to be able to have a short break after a hectic year of learning. Just a recap of…
March 14th 2021Blog, Development
First month as a junior developer
After all the problems with GoSchool, or actually after what happened after Go Live (December 202…
February 23rd 2021Blog, Development
GoSchool afterthought
Disclaimer: This is all based on my experience with GoSchool and its partner "company" (no 's…
January 22nd 2021Blog, Golang
Recently, I attended a hackathon with some coursemates and the challenge was to build a full stack…
January 6th 2021Blog, Learning, Rant
A new year, a new hope.
Its the time of the year again where everyone is preparing to celebrate a new year. And with the…
December 31st 2020Blog, Learning, Rant
Project: Location Sharing Telegram Bot
In this segment, I will be explaining how you can build a Simple Telegram Bot with Golang. Before I…
December 19th 2020Blog, Learning, Development
Lessons from the past
It's the end of the year as we know it. 2020 has been a tumultuous year for many people, myself…
December 15th 2020Blog, Learning, Rant
Uncertanties lead to strength
If my thoughts were written... Honestly, being in close to my mid-30s. Leaving a safe and secure job…
November 23rd 2020Blog, Learning, Life
Still alive & well
Looking ahead Its almost the end of the last semester of my studies! And I've finally said Good-bye…
November 22nd 2020Blog, Learning, Development
Tests and more Go
Tests (DDMG) Finally the end of the 3rd semester of my first year, for the past 2 weeks its been a…
September 22nd 2020Blog, Learning, Development
Go Go Gopher
It's been a pretty hectic month, there were many things to do. Tough decisions to make and…
September 1st 2020Development, Learning
Decisions for Progression
For the longest time, since the start of the year. I've been contemplating on what I want to do in…
July 29th 2020Rant, Blog
Basic Search Algorithms
What is an Algorithm? My understanding, its just mathematics. In its earliest form, its a set of…
July 7th 2020Learning, Blog
Getting past the Imposter Syndrome
Many people face this issue, especially more so when those people come from coding bootcamps, are…
July 3rd 2020Learning, Blog
Common Things in Programming
Its exactly, 3 years since I've started learning the concepts of programming. Though I'm not…
June 30th 2020Development, Learning
Understanding CS50
Recently, edX was giving out free signups for HarvardX CS50. So I thought to retake and review the…
June 22nd 2020Development, Learning
How I learnt to code
Before I begin, let me warn you first that this is going to be a long read. I started to code in…
June 15th 2020Development, Learning
Migrating to GatsbyJS
After 2 months of learning practical javascript ( ). I figured to try playing…
June 13th 2020GatsbyJS, Netlify
Setting up my Macbook Pro 2020
After a dismal experience with using a Razer Blade Stealth. It's a wonderful machine if only they…
May 2nd 2020OSX, Development
Welcome to My Blog
This is Gabriel Lee. I am a public servant, living in Singapore. Passionate about design and…
May 1st 2020Blog, Personal
All Tags: Blog (39), Learning (23), Development (21), Rant (7), Career (4), Mobile (3), Dart (2), Flutter (2), Ideas (2), Life (2), OSX (2), Algorithm (1), Carerr (1), Data Structures (1), Finance (1), GatsbyJS (1), Git (1), Gitlab (1), Golang (1), Job (1), Netlify (1), Personal (1), Self-Improvement (1), Vaccination (1)